
Discover Palau: Sardinia’s Coastal Paradise

Palau, located in the northeastern part of Sardinia, Italy, is a charming coastal town renowned for its stunning natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture. This guide will provide you with all the essential information to make the most of your visit to Palau.

Palau - Sardinia - Italy

A Brief Overview of Palau

Palau is nestled in an inlet sheltered from the northern winds, adjacent to the exclusive Costa Smeralda and overlooking the beautiful Maddalena Archipelago National Park. Established in the late 19th century, Palau boasts clear blue waters and unique granite rock formations sculpted by weather and time​.

Top Attractions in Palau

Roccia dell’Orso (Bear Rock)

The iconic Roccia dell’Orso is a natural granite formation that resembles a bear. It has been a landmark for sailors since antiquity and offers breathtaking views over the sea​​.

Fortezza di Monte Altura

This 19th-century military fortress offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. It’s a testament to Palau’s historical significance and strategic location​​.

Ethnographic Museum

Explore the Ethnographic Museum to learn about the traditional “stazzo gallurese,” the typical pastoral houses of the Gallura region. This museum provides insights into the local culture and history​​.

Things to Do in Palau


Palau is home to several beautiful beaches:

  • Isolotto Beach: A small beach with white sand and crystal-clear waters located near the port of Palau.
  • Porto Faro Beach: Known for its lighthouse and clear waters, it’s a picturesque spot for relaxation.
  • Cala di Trana: A secluded beach with pinkish sand and turquoise waters, accessible via a coastal walk from Punta Sardegna.
  • Porto Pollo: Popular with surfers, this beach offers shallow waters ideal for families and is great for windsurfing and kitesurfing​​.

Water Sports

For water sports enthusiasts, the Island of Gabbiani (Isuledda) is a top destination for windsurfing and kitesurfing. It hosts international competitions and offers courses for beginners​.

Boat Tours

Take a boat tour from the tourist port of Palau to explore the Maddalena Archipelago. These tours often include stops at stunning beaches and offer a taste of local seafood​.

Dining in Palau

Palau offers a range of dining options, from local trattorias serving traditional Sardinian cuisine to upscale restaurants with international fare. Enjoy fresh seafood dishes and local specialties such as porceddu (roast suckling pig) and culurgiones (Sardinian dumplings).


During the summer, Palau’s nightlife is vibrant, with numerous bars and clubs open late into the night. The town’s narrow streets come alive with music, markets, and events, providing plenty of entertainment options for visitors​​.

How to Get There

Palau is easily accessible from the Olbia-Costa Smeralda Airport, which is about 42 kilometers away. From the airport, you can reach Palau by car, taxi, or public transport. Regular ferries connect Palau to La Maddalena, making it a convenient base for exploring the archipelago​​.


1. What is the best time to visit Palau? The best time to visit Palau is during the summer months, from June to September, when the weather is warm and the town is bustling with activity.

2. Are there any historical sites near Palau? Yes, Palau is home to several historical sites, including the Fortezza di Monte Altura, the Roccia dell’Orso, and the Nuraghe Luchìa​.

3. What activities are available for families? Families can enjoy the beautiful beaches, take boat tours of the Maddalena Archipelago, and visit local attractions such as the Ethnographic Museum and the Roccia dell’Orso​.

Palau offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern amenities, making it an ideal destination for an unforgettable holiday in Sardinia. Whether you’re looking to relax on pristine beaches, explore historical sites, or enjoy water sports, Palau has something to offer everyone.

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